Celebrities enjoy flipping houses just as much as anyone else! There are numerous famous movie stars, comedians, performance artists, etc. who have made some serious money buying, renovating, and re-selling homes all around the United States. One of the most well-known celebrity house flippers…

Trust deed investing is a way to invest in loans that are backed by real estate. Professional real estate investors often look to funding sources outside of the bank system so that they can get loans to finance house flips. Banks are often unable to…

Every year around this time, the house flipping industry makes its predictions about what will happen in the year to come. Last year, everyone thought that mortgage rates would go up, new construction would ease the lack of inventory, and prices would tick up slightly.…
Surprisingly enough, the house flipping industry more or less met expectations in 2017. There was no bubble burst as some experts feared, foreclosure rates remained low, and so did housing inventory levels. Here are some other key highlights from the past year in house flipping…
In the battle for worst people to work with, contractors give lawyers a run for their money. It seems that every house flipper has horror stories about contractors who fell way behind schedule, delivered shoddy work, or simply didn’t finish the job. Finding a great…
We’re faced with a lot of uncertainty in America right now, but this Thanksgiving season, there is plenty for which house flippers can be thankful. Here are just a few of the most promising facts and figures to add to your list of things to…
Looking at the data from 2015 and the expected trends for 2016, it looks like this year will be an interesting one for house flippers. While house flippers are still making excellent profits in markets like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, the total…
Winter is the best season for purchasing rehab properties. Prices are low, demand is down, and buying in the winter gives you enough time to rehab a house before the peak buying season of summer. But we realize that winter is also the hardest season…
Success as a house flipper isn’t easily come by. It takes a dedicated approach to studying the markets, staying on top of the latest listings, and cultivating a team of experts who you can trust to help you turn a shabby old house into a…
Last month, ZINC Financial launched our new real estate joint ventures program. This program opens up new opportunities for experienced investors who need a leg up in the current marketplace. The team here at ZINC is excited to step beyond our typical house flipping loans…