Choosing the right private money lender can have a major impact upon the success of your investments. A reputable lender can provide better terms, better advice, and faster service, all of which can make the difference between securing an ideal investment property and watching such…
The house flipping industry has a number of nuances that experienced investors take into consideration when deciding whether a purchase is worth their while. Such considerations as trends in the nation’s overall economy, the sentiment of homebuyers in the local area, and even gut feelings…
Now is an ideal time for experienced real estate investors to make a killing in the house flipping market. But what if you’re new to the game? Is the current climate a good opportunity for new house flippers to take a chance and purchase their…
One of the most important factors in ensuring that you receive an excellent return on your house flipping investment is finding the perfect property at the perfect price. The most successful house flippers are masters at finding properties with excellent potential that are undervalued at…
We know that you have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a private money loan. As a smart investor, you should do your research before choosing a lender — we wouldn’t expect any less of you. But in the end, we’re confident…
Private money loans for house flippers have a number of distinct advantages over traditional bank loans. Many banks won’t even offer loans to people investing in rehab homes because such financial institutions simply aren’t set up to handle these types of investments. The risks are…