The Most Important Do’s and Don’ts of Financing your First Flip Financing your first flip can be a headache, but it doesn’t have to be! The first step is weighing your options. Consider what will best align with your exit strategy. A fix and flip…
Are you in the market for a house to flip? Before you sign on the dotted line, take a minute to think about which type of home is popular in that area. Do people want multi-family homes? Ranches? Single-family? Let’s take a look at the distinction between home types so that you have a better understanding the next time you’re in the market for a new project.
When flipping a house, we tend to focus on the dramatic changes we can make. However, if you want to sell quickly, make sure to pay attention to the finishing touches. The devil is in the details, and buyers want as many details as possible!…
House flipping shows have taken the nation by storm. From flipping homes to renovating buses into homes, to having a flipper compete with a realtor, these shows focus on a lot of different aspects of the industry. Just how accurate are these depictions? While they…
Flipping a house is no easy task. Not only can it be a huge financial investment, but you also have to be creative, innovative, and design-savvy to create a home that will be a hit on the market. Some flippers love the challenge of flipping…
In the world of house flipping, there is a lot of jargon and lingo being thrown around casually in conversation. If you’re a newcomer, or simply trying to understand the language a little better, take a look at some of the most common terms you’ll…