Private money loans for house flippers have a number of distinct advantages over traditional bank loans. Many banks won’t even offer loans to people investing in rehab homes because such financial institutions simply aren’t set up to handle these types of investments. The risks are too high, the application process takes too long, and most banks don’t have rehab housing experts on hand to properly assess the risk and reward of house flipping. Working with experienced private money lenders is a great way to get the financing you need to purchase investment properties quickly at an affordable rate.
Advantages of a private money loan include:
Fast turnaround time.
Zinc Financial can process your application and get you financing within seven to ten business days. In fact, in one case the experts at Zinc Financial were able to approve a loan in just five business days.
Investment in your success.
At Zinc Financial, we want our clients to succeed. That’s why we offer expert advice and free tools to help investors choose the most viable investment properties. We have online calculators, up-to-date market information, and live personal help from our team of experts.
Capital for repairs.
A private money loan can provide you with financing not just for the home purchase price but also for the necessary repairs that it will take to bring the home’s value up. At Zinc Financial, we understand that you need to spend money to make money, which is why we offer a wide range of loan amounts to both new and veteran house flippers.
Capital for maximum success.
Some private money loan lenders are limited in the amount that they’re willing and able to invest in their clients. This isn’t the case at Zinc Financial. Here, we look for opportunities to help our clients leverage their wealth to invest in as many properties as makes sense. With loans of up to $750,000, Zinc Financial is able to provide the money you need when you need it, helping ensure that your investment goals are met.
Learn more about the benefits of our unique loan programs by calling (559) 326-2509 today.